With its expertise in the field of protection against sexual exploitation, the Emanuel Foundation is represented as an NGO in the National Council Against Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents, which was founded in 2019.
In the working group "Protection from exploitation and international cooperation", she contributed to the Council's common understanding of June 2021, which describes, among other things, improving education and awareness on the issue of organized sexual and ritual violence as an important goal.
"At the invitation of the former Federal Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey and Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, the then Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse, more than 40 high-ranking state and non-state actors met at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs for the inaugural meeting. In addition, many other experts are working in working groups on the topics of "protection", "assistance", "child-friendly justice", "protection from exploitation and international cooperation" and "research and science". The results of this work in the form of a "common understanding" were discussed in a follow-up meeting at the end of June at the invitation of the former Federal Minister for Family Affairs and the then Independent Commissioner. There was also an exchange on this with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier."
(Source: see National Council website)
At further meetings in digital format and at the National Council's summer meeting, which was held on site for the first time in June 2024, we were able to continue working on networking and education for the benefit of those affected by sexual exploitation. We look forward to everything that is still to come!