Further sources for further information

Knowledge portal on ORG


Knowledge Creates Help - The knowledge portal on organized sexualized and ritual violence, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)


On the Wissen Schafft Hilfe portal, which was launched online in 2022, you will find information on various thematic focuses in the area of organized sexualized and ritual violence, which were assessed as relevant in advance together with those affected and psychosocial specialists. In addition, there is a range of information for those affected and those helping, as well as on the subject of research.



Infoportal Ritual Violence

The website Infoportal Ritual Violence is a joint project of the Emanuel Foundation, the Lichtstrahlen Oldenburg eV association and the journalist Claudia Fischer, which is also supported and carried out by numerous other organizations and private individuals.

There you will find a compilation of court rulings for crimes in the area of ritual violence, a collection of scientific papers and studies, and other background information. Our aim is to underline the credibility of the reports of those affected and to provide people who work in the area of ritual violence or are affected by it with a broad, solid and systematic information base.

The evidence of organized exploitation has never been made available to the public in such a format as it is in the Ritual Violence information portal. In addition to the start-up funding that we have provided for this purpose, the Emanuel Foundation supports the editorial team by providing advice, support and funding. We will also use the information we have compiled for our ongoing work.

If you would like to support this project (financially or with your time and expertise), you will find regularly updated information here.


Specialist article Ärzteblatt


In the German Medical Journal ( https://www.aerzteblatt.de/archiv/218164/Sexuelle-Gewalt-Ein-blinder-Fleck ), Dr. Johanna Schröder and Prof. Dr. Peer Briken from the University Hospital Eppendorf in Hamburg explain their thesis:


"Victims of child sexual abuse in organized and ritual structures of violence are constantly fighting for the recognition of their experiences. A focus on information beyond the 'question of faith' therefore seems necessary."


Expertise Specialist Group BMFSFJ

The expertise of the expert group on ritual violence at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs can be found here:

Expertise Expert Group on Ritual Violence at the BMFSFJ 2018

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