

We would be delighted if you would like to support the Emanuel Foundation’s aims morally or financially.

You can help by finding out more (e.g. through the sources listed under "Links") and by making this website or your issue known to others.

Tax-deductible donations or endowments (please indicate in the intended purpose) are very welcome at



Emanuel Foundation

Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf

IBAN: DE95 3005 0110 1007 6865 93




For donations of more than EUR 300 per year, you will automatically receive a donation receipt after the end of the year. Please let us know your address!*

Up to this amount, the simplified donation receipt is sufficient for the tax deductibility of your donation in accordance with Section 50 Paragraph 4 No. 2 EStDV.

If you wish, you will receive a separate confirmation for amounts of EUR 100 or more. In this case, please send us a short message.

*For this purpose we refer to our privacy policy

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