Note on terminology:
The widely used definition, which is also used by official governments, refers to "organized sexualized" and "ritual" violence (see below).
However, we have long been convinced that the term "ritual violence" in particular does not adequately capture the essence of what makes this form of violence so particularly destructive:
In our opinion, the decisive criterion is not whether and in what form certain "rituals" or "ritual characteristics" play a role in the violence suffered. Rather, it is a question of highly perfected abuse of power by perpetrator structures organized in a network-like manner - usually for the purpose of (commercial) sexual exploitation. The people affected are often exposed to extreme forms of manipulation, intimidation and violence from early childhood within an authoritarian ideology, religion, "family tradition" or similar, i.e. an "intellectual-spiritual subculture", and therefore find it even more difficult to find help than would be the case anyway.
The majority of those affected who contact the Independent Commission for the Investigation of the Past, the UBSKM Office and the Berta helpline report that they were placed in organized structures through their parents or foster parents. In some cases, the parents' generation had already grown up in the existing group and the various forms of violence that went with it. The sexual violence began in early childhood and often continued into adulthood. Those affected describe hierarchies within the group, with men usually forming the leadership level. Strictly observing the rules of silence and impeccable and inconspicuous appearance to the outside world were of great importance.
Those affected have to deal with diverse and significant consequences in adulthood. They are often severely physically impaired and suffer from trauma-related disorders such as dissociation. In addition, they are often not believed that the abuse took place in this context. In addition, those affected who want to break free from these violent structures are often put under pressure, blackmailed and persecuted.
Further information on the topic of organized sexual and ritual violence can be found on the Sexual Abuse Help Portal."
Source: Website of the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse